Stubbing Wharf Tech Email Scrubber – How to Use an Email Scrubber to Clean Up Your Lists

Email Scrubber – How to Use an Email Scrubber to Clean Up Your Lists


Email scrubber is a tool that cleanses your email list of inactive subscribers, helping you boost engagement and remove dead weight from your campaign. It’s important to regularly clean up your email lists, as this helps to ensure that you are only mailing to subscribers who are genuinely interested in receiving your content and can therefore respond positively to your emails.

Cleaning Your Email List: Removing Bounced Emails with Mailchimp

A dirty email list can have a huge impact on your email marketing results, causing things like low open rates, spam complaints, unsubscribes and even poor deliverability. Email scrubbing can help to avoid all of this by removing inactive subscribers, which not only boosts your email marketing results but also helps to reduce the risk of spam folder placement.

Generally speaking, it’s recommended to use an email scrubbing tool to clean your email lists every six months, though this can vary from brand to brand. However, it is crucial to regularly check for hard bounces and to delete inactive subscribers as soon as they stop opening or clicking on your emails – otherwise these subscribers could be affecting your marketing statistics and negatively influencing your sender reputation and email deliverability.

The best way to keep your email lists clean is by using an email verification and scrubbing tool such as ZeroBounce, which can help you identify inactive and invalid email addresses, as well as verify that the new leads you have acquired are active. ZeroBounce can also be integrated with popular lead-gathering platforms, making it easy to implement as part of your email scrubbing workflow.

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